Sunday, August 20, 2006

I did a Layout class with Beth Jarrett on Friday night at The Scrapper Stash and this is the LO I created. Beth, I loved this class, love the chat and loved the whole atmosphere. You did a great class and should be very proud of yourself.

Been cyber cropping this week at Zig Zag but so far haven't completed my challenge LOs.

Last night I wanted to scrapbook but started to get painful contractions/BHs and walking around was all that could help it so we decided to go to bed at 11.30 to get an early nights sleep but when I woke up this morning.... nothing. Grr When is this baby going to come out and meet us?

Its mums birthday today so she is hoping I have bub today but it really doesn't look that way at all. Stubborn bubba must want a birthday all for its self. So we are having mum and dad over for tea, a roast chook and baked vegies and mum and I are going to do some scrapping.

Will post later if anything else happens.


Jo said...

What a bugger about the contractions. Have a try of this - my contractions started to get further apart so I went for a warm/hot shower at home. Same thing happened at the hospital an hour later so I had another shower and hey presto - we had a baby within another 30 minutes. I am not saying it will definitely work, but at this point in time I reckon you'll give it a go. Good Luck. Keep Well - I can't wait to see pics of your gorgeous bubba.


Anthea said...

it will happen when it is ment to Mel!! I know the pain of waiting, went over with both boys, but know that Bub will be here soon!

lovely LO though!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous LO Mel :) Nice work getting the white cot too!

BethJ said...

How exciting Mel!!! Cant be much longer now surely!!! Thanks for the plug! LOL! I am glad you liked the class!